Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Words are sharper than swords.

Words are in fact sharper than swords,
                                    As they cut apart souls, jeopardize relations,
                                           Turn friendship in to even hostility
                                Unmindful, unnecessary and careless use of words,

                                      Makes irreparable damage, incurable injury,
                          Even though time, negotiations, compromises heal the wound,
                                    Persons, their relations come back to normalcy,
                            Scratches on hearts and minds given by words remain indelible.
                                            When you differ or disagree to someone,

                           Or are hurt by his or her discourteous conduct or illicit act,
                       And feel the necessity of some words to express your emotions,
                       Let the feelings in the shape of words generated in your heart,
                        Be purified by the scanner of your wisdom and conscience,
                              Then humbly come out to convey your feelings..
                                    Better words  should replace bitter ones,
                      Mild words should take the place of harsh, stinging words.
                                               When the bullet is in your gun,

                                 And your fingertips are not yet activated,
                                   Mind and conscience need to intercept,
                           Analyze the probable after-effects of an exchange,
                                 Hold it to give yourself a second thought,
                         Whether to fire from the gun of your tongue or not
                Because it would surely hit the destination and do the damage,
                                An effort to repair the damage latter on,
                Would only minimize the damage but will not totally nullify it.
                          In a situation of tussle, conflict, hot argument
                         One can take an excuse and leave the place,
               Or pause and smile to give a sweet break to offensive dual,
               Given the facts that arguments can neither be won nor be lost,
             They can only be averted for the sake of friendships and relationships.
                            Words are precious, more than your bank account,

                      Spend them calculatedly, cautiously and carefully,
                    According to Pradipta, if necessary be miser of words.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Superiority complex.

                                In this beautiful earth of Adam and Eve,
                          From ages her desires are oppressed devastated,
                                  Her dreams are bartered and shattered.
                              Her opinion, suggestion regarding social, marital,
                        Academic and economic issues are unheard and ignored,
                                  Due to unwise superiority complex of men.

                                      This silly chauvinism of males,
                                Comes counting some physical aspects 
                              Such as structure, strength, stamina of men,
                             Those are insignificant, blunt and unpolished,
                                Comparing the intelligence, wisdom aspects 
                            Those are better with their female counterparts.

                                           Women are better dreamers 
                                 And their dreams are often more relevant,
                       To the reality and practicability aspects of life and society.
                                              Men too see dreams but,
                              Their dream stretch from the Jupiter to the Sun,
                          Those are  not always associated to viability and reality. 

                                            When groups of men assemble, 
                               Matters related to national and international politics,
                       Performances of big names come to their subject of discussions.
                                 On the other hand, when women share issues
                         They prefer talks on household, relationships, and education,
                    The things vital, crucial and practically applicable for their existence.

                                           Men often get swayed and deceived,
                                        By the eloquence and fluency of a traitor,
                                 And even by the phantasmagoria of a femme fatale.  
                                    But the sharp sixth sense of a woman easily detects,
                         The hideous and treacherous motives behind a shrewd word-artist.
                               Just a little exchange of words, a quick but vigilant glance, 
                                       The scanner of her brain drew a perfect picture,
                      Of his or her thoughts, philosophy, psychology, ethics and intentions.

                                              Those who respect women, 
                                       Consider their advice and suggestions,
                              Ride to the heights of success, peace and pleasure.
                                              And those who dare to ignore, 
                                    Or disrespect women, for heaven's sake,
                       Misfortune, failure waylays their life, shatters their dreams,
                                      A good listener to women at one's home
                                       Is according Pradipta a better learner,
                                           And beyond doubt a happy winner.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

On the mike for the first time

You will be on the mike for the first time,
With a lot of confusion regarding selection of the poem,
That you would prefer to recite, within the short allotted time,
In front of a big crowd assembled for a celebrity.

As an open stage actor of his past experience Pradipta knows,
You must be suffering from the symptoms of stage fearing,
A trembling tone and an urge to wet the throat,
That might be drying up due to tension and anxiety.

Being a bosom friend I took it on me,
"Recite and practice your selected  poem,
Three to four times in a closed room to clear your throat,
Then in front of your family members do the same,
Reach the venue early to get accustomed to the public,
But do not get busy in talking to the person on the next chair,
You might feel inferior, they might subdue you my gullible pixie,
For relaxing and lightening your mind take two news papers"

I told you pooja, not to look in to the eyes of the public,
Those might be searching for a delight,
In the disorder of your dress or its code,
And might give smile or whisper or pass a soft remark,
That might distract your focus from the presentation,
 A lapse quite evident in the approach of a novice.

I being the closest and the best of your friends,
Cheered you, "Let the night vanish with a new beginning,
Let you shine in the sky of scholars from this fresh morning.
Do not be in pressure, just go and deliver,
You are no less rather better than anyone there,
You are a diamond, and thus are destined to glitter,
Feel your worth, best of luck, I know you will rock."

I assured, guided and encouraged you a lot; but,
My condition was precarious when you left,
I was feeling the same worries as a mother feels,
When her child goes to appear an entrance examination,
Praying and trembling from inside my heart,
Anxious and worried about the out come.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

I trusted you from day one

I trusted you from day one, do not know why and how,
May be my destiny did it or may be a strong will of God did it so,
You said my love for you at first sight is silly and I said its true,
Yes, I ignored the consequences, calculations and justifications.
I confided you every bit of my soul, my past, my present,
Without any hesitation, even if you did not divulged yours,
As you should  know I am frank and honest, sincere and serious,
In offering my hand, surrendering my heart and fate at your feet.
However you smell a rat on everything and are still hesitant, suspicious
May be obvious for a woman but I should say you are extra cautious,
You are doubtful of the one who is never secretive, delusive,
The one who never wished, demanded anything adverse to your will,
Who always respected your whims, silently waited you with patience.

However, I assure you will never get a wrong man in me,
In Pradipta, you would see a selfless well wisher and a humble friend.
You will get love without expectation of a return and honesty in love,
That are in fact rarest of the rare pearl, in this egoistic busy for nothing globe,
And that is my gift for you, my dearest Pooja,
My respect and worship of you, your entity and your love.

Before you, I did not trust and love anyone since long,
Courtesy of a prideless, untrue femme fatale decades ago,
I truly do not know why I choose you as a healer of my lesion,
May be I am right or may be wrong, the truth is that the ball is now in your court,
Now you keep it or kick it, treat me or cheat me, I am undone.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

"Respect", thy name is woman

A warm salute to you, all women on the earth,
For you is the mother of the humankind,
Bearing  for nine painful months,
In your womb the seed of human race,
And ultimately delivering the delight,
And smile to the society in a crying face.

You are behind the power of powerful men,
An inspiration behind each successful man,
The soul of every poem, poets sing from ages,
And pradipta should say you are a poem yourself.
You bear a heart of depth unfathomable,
With  immense love and compassion in it,
Indiscriminately and selflessly for one and all,

You are tolerant and prudent in each situation,
An image of loyalty, reliability and responsibility
In all your roles as mother, wife and sister,
Or as ever smiling and vibrant daughter,
Besides being a statue of love, care,compassion
You can be bold, stubborn and gallant,
 As and when a situation demands.

Those who insult or disrespect you,
Invite misfortune and turbulence for themselves 
Men doing injustice, domestic violence,
Against you, in fact chop their own feet,
Refuse their own fortune, spoil their own peace.

Crime against you, eve teasing, molestation,
Shows beastly and insane attitude of men,
Would never be negotiable and forgivable,
For any civilized and cultured society,

We owe you, your presence and your worth,
A warm salute again to all women on earth

Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Since last few days I was watching conversations and arguments among intellectuals on news channels and also in WhatsApp  groups.The arguments were on India, Pakistan, Kashmir, Congress, BJP, Modiji, Rahulji, JNU and many other issues.Unfortunately I do not want to regard some of  them as intellectuals, because of the following few factors....
1.Some of them are biased in matters of state they originate.In Kanhaiya case one of my learned friend came forward to say, "No the Bihari boy is not anti-national". I am sad to say why should you reach to conclusion on a matter just because he belongs to your state. Loving  your  state of origin is nothing wrong but while you are giving your opinion on a subject of national concern you should be only a thinker, otherwise your verdict can not be accepted as right.Be human being only on matters related to the whole society. Ridiculously this regionalism dominates brain of many so called literate people.
2. Some of them are biased towards the caste they belong.While arguing over Mahisasura, the giant  killed by Durga, the goddess one of my friend came forward to say people make mahisasura  look like adibashi (tribal people) and maa Durga looks like a person from upper caste  .As I mentioned earlier mahisasura was a giant as per the Hindu mythology, hence his color and structure should match the nature of a furious giant.  Our tribal brothers live in jungles hence their color may be a little bit black. Does that means you compare these simple and  innocent people with a mythological demon ? Maa Durga is a goddess, hence she should look beautiful, that is it. While making idols carvers keep its nature  in mind and make the idol. Why should my intellectual friend draw such a conclusion is not known. But such conclusions would are never do any good to our society, rather they widen the gap if any exist among people of various.castes.
   More over it is a myth. There are crores of myths in the world. No one can either prove its authenticity nor disprove them. Then what is the sense  of arguing over them ? You can not say the myth in my society or religion is right and yours is wrong and vice versa. Then let people to believe the thing they want to believe.
3. Political preconception is the worst desirable thing from learned people. People working for a political party or political leaders will definite back their party even in case it is wrong.They have a self or motive behind that.  But why some intellectuals follow parties blindly ? They allow  their intelligence to be corrupted by preconceptions They may be learned, intelligent  people but I can not say they are either  intellectuals or wise. Their intellect misguide those who listen and read them to know realities and facts. Illiterates are better than them.Undoubtedly illiterates blindly support political parties and rally behind them but they do not use their brain to temper the facts and figures in order to misguide others..They never take shelter under hypocrisy, rather they come direct and open. When you wear a colored glass you can not judge the color of a thing. But these so called intellectuals give their judgement wearing color glasses, ridiculous.
4. I have seen many news of  racial segregation coming out from western nations.I am talking about apartheid , that is existent in many European, American and African nations.Undoubtedly they are two races coming out of different origins.But what is the sense of adjudicating anyone from his/her origin ? Are they themselves responsible for their origin ? Why can not we judge them by their deeds ? I saw disbelieves  between the whites and the blacks. Some white people having a preconceived notion that the blacks are not worthy of trust or are of criminal mentality. These type of thinking is just a foolish preconception and is a big threat to a peaceful coexistence. May be more percentage of criminals are blacks but there are whites too among crimes.They need to see life and activities of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama in order to have a broader notion about their brothers. People from literary world from both sides should be careful to not to pen such things which might widen the gap.Love is constructive and hate is destructive. What we need for our earth is construction, hence love among all of us.
5. Religious fanaticism is another example of preconception. Some handful of fanatic people develop intolerance towards other religions.Religious fanaticism leads people to participate in organised criminal conspiracy and militancy against people of other religions.They should know that a religion is nothing but a way of life. Various groups gave to themselves  religions in different times in order to lead life on a particular disciplined way.History says that people fought over religious believes from ages.That happened due to ignorance and abhorrence injected systematically and deliberately in to their brain.
                 When a child born to a family of a particular sect or religion his/her brain starts getting feedback regarding religion and worship from the family and the society  he/she or she belongs. That does never mean the group other than his/her is wrong. Let us keep a child born to a Muslim or Hindu couple with a Christian couple and in a Christian society, will he/she become devotee of Allah or Krishna until and unless he/she is guided that way?A child  brain is like a blank hard-disk  The society,parents, teachers, books feed the essential information to get it start.
           The society at times may inject wrong conceptions, but it is education our own thought process enable us to clean the virus injected in to our brain.Some of them never use their brain to judge the things.They think and work on the same way as taught by the parents and the society.They need to think about the broad spectrum of human race and act according to expectations of everyone on the earth.To follow one's own ways, own religion is never wrong but to obstruct others in leading their ways is ignorance and intolerance.
6.In present day a lot of militant activities are related to the Muslim fanatics. This make some people of the other community to regard and doubt all Muslim brothers as militants or their supporter.This is ridiculously serious preconception. May be a handful of them from the Muslim community are in a wrong way but blaming all the other innocent people from that community is by no means wisdom.
7. I was talking to man from outside India. I watched his words. He was preoccupied with a preconceived notion of being racially better. This racial supremacy preconception is also foolishness.I would like to say one thing for those who think that way, "He who thinks himself to be wise oh heaven is a great fool."
        Preconception creates mental block and disallow truth and facts to enter in to our brain. These type of people are always against innovative ideas.They may be learned but never intellectuals.The development and growth of a nation depends upon their number in the society, the lesser the number the more developed the nation. Their brain works the way it is programmed. The hard disk of their brain may contain more data but when t
hey judge things, the virus of preconception  eats away the truth and flow out corrupted conclusions.I repeat illiterate are better than them for the society. 

Monday, 14 March 2016


The old age home, that houses knowledge and wisdom,
Experience, philosophy, prayers and blessings,
That shelters your forerunners, yesteryear,
You targeted it's caretakers, the pious Nuns.
You preferred to silence those hearts,
Which throb for your roots, your parents,
Parents of the presence that you are so proud of.

You sliced those hands that so tenderly cared your past.
Why ? Is it just because they are nonbelievers
Of what you believe and  think you know better ?
Are you a true believer of Islam or Allah,
According to which everything and everyone is His creation ?
Everything animate and inanimate bears signature of the Almighty,
May be some are followers, believers and others are not.

By not going with you, the fact won't change for you,
That they are also the sons and daughters of the Omnipresent,
Also the facts that you brutally destroyed  the pious creation of Allah.
The bitterness and aggression in you against the non-followers,
Establishes the facts you do not believe that they too are creations of Allah ?
Your bullets deny the sole ownership theory of the Holy Kuran,
As it shows that you believe them to be created by someone other than Allah.

If you think they are just nonbelievers,  kafeers
Then also they are creations of the same creator as you,
And your such act is not only a crime against humanity,
It a an insult to His supremacy and an offence against Him,
Pradipta prays, He would pardon you as you too are His loved one,
As they were, because He loves indiscriminately  to one and all,
May you call Him any name of your choice and believe.  

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Unexpectedly but spontaneously I proclaimed you  "my moon"
You might be perplexed about the expression,
As you are not accustomed of the accost.
This is not about flattering or flirting,
You know I don't have a need or motive,
As we are so intimate and I candidly trusted you.
Moreover love n respect can't be earned,
Through flowery words uttered with a hidden agenda.

I bask in the light of your love, my moon,
And soothe in the ray of your compassion,
Those come out of the unfathomable depth of your heart,
Though we have a physical distance as the moon n her earth.
You bless me n pray for me from  the sky of your life,
Pradipta the fortunate one, continuously getting your attention on the earth.
Pardon me for this comparison as the moon has a spot in it,
One the other hand my moon is an immaculate celebrity.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


The world is full of fun and funny people,
Life in it an unsolved mystery, a blind run,
Each one inebriated here to a mania of something,
Or the other of one's own choice and preference.

However the zing  thing is that, while justifying their own whim,
People defy and put question mark on the other's !!
Instead of accepting and respecting other's emotions,thoughts,
They get pleasure discouraging even novelty and creativity.

Some are busy accumulating and pilling wealth breathlessly,
Hesitating to spend a penny even for their own comfort,
Miser may the whole world call them, accuse them,
But they feel themselves correct on their own notion of life.

The others crazy after petty beauty and fleeting glamour,
Physical charm, momentary youth and yet transitory sensuality, 
Do not care to be counted as depraved, characterless,
They  scent heaven in them, where Pradipta traces a hell.

An addict to alcohol, dopes and drugs,
Too never hesitate to glorify  his heinous act 
And shamelessly justify his dirty habit,
Until he reaches to dust, his ultimate destination.

We the writers trust and love our pen, our blood-ink,
Cast out hearts, emotions, thoughts and philosophy on papers,
But the aforesaid people proclaim us eccentric, batty, whimsy or crazy,
Creativity is undoubtedly their ignorance and our strength,
Beyond doubt their stupidity but our efficacy and quality.

Why Pooja bothers what others think about her art?
An art is never hungry and necessitous of admiration.
Why should we expect many things from people,
Who know a little about creation and creativity ?
Will you take dollars or gold on your trip to the moon?
If you answer is negative, then does that mean they are valueless things ?
Can you sell mirror to a blind man or sing a song before deaf ears?

Go on writing, as and what you think right and just,
Its God's mercy and blessings that made you a creator,
Blaming others to be wrong and oneself to be right,
Has been a silly fashion and order of the day.

Your choice and priorities are significant for you,
You should define, design, decorate and defend your own sky,
Fly free and authoritatively in it, as this is your heaven,
It is unique and hence different from that of theirs.   

ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ

https://youtu.be/38dYVTrV964 ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ, ଲୋ ସଙ୍ଗିନୀ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ  ବଡ ଦାଣ୍ଡ ଆଜି ଦିବ୍ୟ ବୈକୁଣ୍ଠ ଲୋ  ରଥେ ବିଜେ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ।  ଏ ଲୀଳାକୁ ଦ...