We all are women, you, me, he she and they all of us,
Like floras and faunas, mountains and rivers,
The moon, the sun, the whole universe,
Except some structural difference, biological variation,
We are all part of the nature, His feminine
Unwrap the cover of this biological portion, this structural
Which is subject to childhood, youth, old age and decay,
Which is subject to happiness, sorrow, greed, jealousy,
The same soul will come out naked in all of us.
Identify it with gender, caste, color, nation, religion,
Is it confined to any? Certainly not, no structure, no
The only male is the creator, Krishna who inserted soul in
the nature,
Who created a woman through another woman.
Lo behold do you think I am propagating an ism?
No, not all I am no fool to make difference in souls,
I am no ignorant to see a difference in their beliefs,
They are fit and fine there wherever and however they are.
Religions, cults, beliefs are like rivers reaching ocean,
The ocean named supreme soul, Paramatma, God, Allah,
Name Him as you wish, worship Him as you please,
Sail your way through any river, as you like,
No silly conflict
about it, no beastly fight about it,
You will reach the ocean one day and will meet all women
More significantly, you will see the master there,
In His harem, the harem of souls, all women, that's the truth.
Accepting the facts that He is your ultimate destination,
only love,
Why not to love Him now, on your way through to Him?
Love Him like you love your beloved, with all your heart.