Monday, 28 November 2016


Colorless are pictures,

Tasteless are delicacies,

Odorless are flowers,

Soundless is music,

Valueless are talks,

Incomprehensible are rhymes,

Meaningless is life

Without you.

Static is time,

Poisonous is air,

Fast are heartbeats,

Rising is blood-pressure,

Blank is vision,

Thorny are the roads,

Irritating is living

Without you.


Your silence is dread dark dear,
That absorbs all colors of my life
Leaving no heart to sing a love song,
No concrete reason to stay alive
Among egocentric, materialistic people.

The gorgeous tapestry hung on my wall,
Melodious music of renowned singers from my radio set,
Fragrance of delicious foodstuffs on the dining table,
Smiling faces of beautiful women in trains,
Fail to impact or change the color of my kisser.

The memory of your honeyed chat, loud laughter,
Melodic couplets you wrote exclusively for me
The twinkling eyes on your attractive smiling face
Widens my dried lips, remove the stressful lines of my forehead
Confusing people to deduce it to be my smile.

I become a breathing corpse,
Still, I am alive, trusting and waiting
For the shower of your love-laden words,
To break the silence and eliminate the darkness,
From my life, all over again.

Saturday, 26 November 2016


Mellifluous symphonies from our pens,
Cascades spontaneously only for each other.

The faces of the other characters of the world,
Look faint and feeble to our love-laden eyes,
And fail to feature or participate anywhere,
In the pious literary flow of our hearts.

They can call them selfish creations,
Be it, but this is the norm of love.

Thursday, 24 November 2016


The enchantments of your affectionate words
Plethora of your melodious couplets,
Your candid peals vanished from the air,
Causing severe quake in my world.

I stumble from my stand
Crumble into pieces,
Scattered on the carpet
Scream unheeded.

I blame it on my destiny,
My love know not to blame you,
The one I loved so intently, so honestly,
The one who I trust cannot be errant intentionally.

My trust on you is not yet shaken,
No quake can be strong enough to displace it,
Every particle of me waits for you to be carefully collected,
And assembled again in to one piece.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


An untimely storm puts-off lights
My relatives rush to bring candles,
As they know, I do not like darkness.

But this darkness is desirable for me now,
 I want it to prevail and synchronize
With its internal counterpart.

I do not stop them from providing alternate lights,
What can I reply if anyone asks me.
About such a behavioral change in me?

Anyone could smell a rat in this change,
Maybe someone wisest of them guesses the truth,
They know there cannot be two reasons for it.

I can neither explain, nor name my concern,
Something or someone shattered me,
 No, she is not you, you cannot be, you are not so.

Even I do not know why light pinches!

Am I in L.......?

Monday, 21 November 2016


There was a sudden turbulence in the atmosphere,
A hailstorm shattered calmness of the evening,
The wind roared interacting with trees,
Electricity supply dislocated automatically or disconnected
 By the authorities to avoid unpleasant accidents.
Ghostly darkness engrossed my room.

Either that was a stunning coincidence,
Or God wished to personify my mental state,
In the nature to sympathize me.
He sent the hailstorm to match my tears,
Turbulent wind to match the lament of my soul,
Darkness to be at par with my depression.

I closed my eyes and began a prayer,
“Let me suffer alone for all that is destined for me,
Do not ever blame her for my misery,
Let her be unaware my mental state of affairs,
Grace the lights of pleasure in her share,
 That would bring at least some glee to me, so that I can live
Or die peacefully."

Sunday, 20 November 2016


The electric current went away suddenly,
Dread darkness surrounded the room,
My kith and kin knew my weakness,
They knew I dislike darkness,
No shame to admit I fear ghosts,
The existence of which I am not sure.

Much before, I reacted to the change,
They rushed for the alternative arrangements.
 Stunningly for them, I did not shout this time,
It was not less surprising for me either.
I discovered one unusual change in my behavior,
I began loving the darkness,
I failed to differentiate darkness and light,
Both the situations mean the same to me this time.

Do you know since when this change occurred?
 Ever since, you left me,
Ever since, my heart sunk in the gloom of separation,
Ever since, you bereaved me from the light of your love.


When the exchange of emotions
Were reaching euphoric heights,
The bursts of laughter were reaching the sky,
A call on your cell phone, as an enemy of love,
Interrupted our ecstasy, choked the throat of our pleasure.

The messages you received
Created a storm in your mind.
Brought an abrupt change in your voice,
An error point blocked
The progress of my ever-singing gramophone player.

An eclipse shadowed my ever-smiling moon,
Your face turned pale and reflected your sorrow,
You tried hard, but fruitlessly to conceal it from me,
Got up and went away suddenly,
Without muttering a single word to me.

A cyclone of sorrow and worry
Originated in my heart,
Not because of your departure,
But because of imagination of the storm,
That silenced my nightingale.

I cannot see you in a dismal state
How can I?
Hope you understand,
Who else?

Thursday, 17 November 2016


The deeper I dive into the unfathomable ocean of your heart,
I discover a lot of precious unexplored treasures,
Those establish the greatness of your personality,
Impress me more effectively and draw you closer to me.

I discover a supple bundle of honest emotions and feelings,
Rapped in the soft and silken cloth of womanish shyness,
Eager to be shared with someone, but cautiously hidden,
Fearing unreliable and selfish human nature.

I found a starry source of knowledge and wisdom,
Blocked by so-called friends who are keener to establish theirs,
Wait to get a perfect receiver and worthy worshiper
In this ‘I-know-everything’, bad-listener world.

The much-awaited time of your life has approached,
With a much desired devotee in its hold,
Who truly respects you, values your words, cares your emotions,
Explode now; feel free and jubilant with him.

It’s me, it’s me, it’s me and only me for you.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


I try relentlessly to hide,
 The dryness of my face behind artificial smile,
Because I do not want people,
To see your silhouette on it.

I begin to talk little and essential,
Keep away from the crowd as far as possible,
In order to prevent them from drawing conclusions,
From my heavy breath and throbbing tone.

I soak the tears inside my sockets,
To check them from being measured,
By known characters from my periphery,
And blame my innocent aficionado.

I know we are decent and so is our devotion,
But I can’t guess which glass people might be wearing,
When they see our intimate friendship,
Therefore, this hiding measure.

Even though I was never identified among hiders,
But in matters of your reputation,
My soul is prepared for any compromise,

As your smile and happiness values most for me.


The Sun…
Earth my queen; you spread a dark sheet of cloud on your sky,
Restrain my rays from reaching your surface and lightening your way.
Obstruct me from helping photosynthesis of your vast nature,
Deprive me of the happiness of witnessing your incredible glamour.
The Earth….
I am grateful to you for your honest caring and kind concern,
Indebted to you for your selfless love and generous contributions.
But your ray at times seems harmful due to its excessive possessive nature,
I am frightened of its ultraviolet component and smoldering power.
The Sun….
Even parents at times turn highhanded while nurturing their young,
Does that mean they lack love or carry in their heart any harming intention?
Can you not ignore my unintentional disturbance and your negligible sufferings,
Keeping in mind my pious adoration, my pain of separation and honest offerings?
The Earth….
I feel inflicting pain is a part of your nature and you have no control over it,
Had my sufferings been maiden, I could have forgiven you and forgotten it.
I am satisfied with the lights filtrating through the segments of my clouds,
And I am not going to sway, your way anymore in your sycophantic words.
The Sun....
A truly devoted lover does not need a shelter under flattering words,
You are the only planet of my vast solar system that I have loved.
I graced you with an atmosphere, life-forms and vegetation numerous,
Now I want to see your ever-smiling beautiful face, your pleasure, your success.
The Earth.....
I rotate around you; tied by your gravitational pull of deep adore,
Completely surrender to your routine and mercy my climate, my nature.
Now I stand numb behind the cloud, fail to come out of the shock,
My heart stop fluttering, lips cease muttering, unable to break the deadlock.
The sun....
How can you so easily wipe me of your days, drive me out from your routine?
Do you not hear my mourning, trust my repentance, and bother my concern?
The creator tied us in one thread that neither of us can break, forget or ignore,
Give a smile with an open heart, all your sorrow and annoyance would disappear.
The Earth…..
My days, nights, life-forms, nature, season, sky, cloud and atmosphere,
Everything that I possess and am proud of bears your signature,
Oh! Mad lover, your adoration, loyalty has no parallel in this creation,
Can everything easily be forgotten? I would open up for your satisfaction soon.
The Sun...
I trust you.

Monday, 14 November 2016

INTERNAL SURGICAL STRIKE(इंटर्नल सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक)

एक सेठ उपचार-गृह( nursing home) पहुँचता है, डॉक्टर से बोलता है, "सर, मैं ५ दिन से ठीक से सोया नहीं हूँ।
अगर थोड़ी झपकी लग भी जाता है, तो बुरे बुरे सपने आते हें। जीना हराम हो गया है। गद्दी पर बैठने की इच्छा नहीं होती है। जब तक हरे नोट का दर्शन न कर लूं, हलक से चाय तक नहीं उतरती थी। अबकी यह आलम है की नोटों का जिक्र भर होने से दिल की धड़कन तेज हो जाती है। कुछ दवा-दारू कीजिये। "
डॉक्टर साहेब बोले, "दवा तो मैं दूंगा, मगर बिस्तार से बताओ कैसे कैसे सपने आते हें ? कब से ये हाल है ?"
सेठ बोले, "साहेब जैसे ही झपकी आती है सपने में एक सफ़ेद दाढ़ी बाला आदमी आ धमकता है। मुझे हिलाकर उठाता है और पूछता है, 'सो गया क्या ?उसका क्या करोगे ?कुछ सोचा ?' मैं पूछता हूं 'तुम कौन हो भाई? चेहरा कहीं देखा हुआ सा लगता है। और तुम किसका कुछ करूंगा कर के पूछ रहे हो?' वह आदमी जबाब देता है, 'भाई और बहनों, हमे नहीं जानते हो? कोई बात नहीं, शीघ्र ही जान जाओगे। टीवी देखने का फुरसत नहीं होता होगा। कम से कम चाय तो पीते ही होंगे? कुछ साल पहले मैं चाय बेच रहा था। कई बार आप के गद्दी में आपको पिलाया हूँ। आप मुझे दो दिन में एक बार पैसे देते थे, वह भी दो तीन बार मांगने के बाद। भीन भीनाते  भीख देने जैसा चिल्हर फेंकते थे भूल गए? आप के गद्दी के सामने घंटो खड़ा रहने से आप के धन्दों-पानी, दुनियादारी सब समझ गया हूँ। आप के कितने जेब है और वो  कहां कहां है, आप के काले-सफ़ेद  सब जानता हुं।देश का कितना हक़ आप अपने तिजोरी में रखे हो मुझे मालूम है। देश एक परिबार ही तो है, फिर घर में देश का धन क्यों ? और फिर मैं किसीकी मेहनत की कमाई के ऊपर नज़र थोड़े ही डाल रहा हूँ।  १९४७  जो टिकस फंकी मारा था वो दे दो। और फिर चैन से धंदो करो। पहले भी आप को एक मौका दिया था।  जो दबाए हो और देश का हिस्सा हो निकाल दो, मैं कुछ नहीं पूछूँगा, कहाँ  से आए कैसे आए।  मगर आज़ादी से अब तक कभी कुछ हुआ नहीं बड़े लोगों का, सिर्फ कर्मचारियों का हिसाब सरकार रखता था, इसलिये ढीढ बने हुए हो। अब की बार चाय मेरा थोड़ा कड़क होगा, थोड़ी महंगी भी'।"
डॉक्टर साहेब बोले, "ढेर साल पहले एक  लड़का आप के गद्दी पर चाय देकर  मेरे क्लिनिक में चाय देने आता था, वह आज भारत का प्रधानमंत्री हो गए है।  आप नरेंद्र मोदीजी की बात कर रहे हो। वह कठोर अनुशासित अर. एस.एस. का देश भक्त है।  मेरे पास नींद की गोलियां के सिबाय और कुछ नहीं है आप को देने के लिए। आप का दवा सि.ए. के पास  हो सकता है की हो"।
सेठ सि.ए. के पास पहुँचते हें। अपना दुखड़ा रो कर मदत मांगते हें। सि.ए.बोलता है, "सेठजी, हमारे मदद की भी एक हद है। कल मोदीजी बोले हें उनकी दिमाग में कई और योजना है, कालापैसा निकलवाने का। कहीं मैं खुद न उलझ जाऊं अपने कागज कलम में। सेठजी बेहतर तो यह होगा की सीधा पैसा सरकार के पास जमा कर दीजिये और अपना हिस्सा ले लीजिये। नहीं तो मंदिर को दान दे दीजिये या गंगाजी में बहा दीजिये, भगवान भी खुस, कुछ पुण्य भी मिलजाएगा। 

Sunday, 13 November 2016


Life is a complicated flow of people, emotions and events;
From time immemorial, beyond our knowledge,
In which we all forgettable and insignificant characters,
Gush through brief uncertain sessions as per its whims.

Accidentally I happen to get close to you,
Identify in you a like-minded genuine person,
Love your being, ethics, outlooks, generosity,
Respect, share and care your emotions, feelings.

You too hesitantly but gradually and certainly,
Love me, my truth, my frankness, my caring,
Join hands of mutual trust and cooperation,
Make this stay-together peaceful, pleasant and productive.

We both are not certain about the outcome,
Awaiting at the next twist of this journey,
Whether a vortex for me to sink first or otherwise,
To end this bilateral venture abruptly.

When not much depend upon us,
Let us flow together as far as we can go,
Be brave enough to love each other earnestly,
Face the facts, hope and pray for the best.

Good luck.

Saturday, 12 November 2016


The Sun hides her face for a day from the earth,
A cloud on his blue comes in the way of two devoted hearts.

Her routine movements of rising and setting would be on,
But her vibrant and life-supporting light won’t reach his surface.

It can’t be termed as her neglectful or deceptive act by any means,
Her integrity and devotion towards him is unquestionable and unparalleled.

Once trust reign on a heart, there can’t be any place for words,
As doubt, suspicion, fabrication in it anymore.

Moreover, time cannot create a gap
Between two committed and longing souls.

The strongest feelings of spirits,
Can’t be marginalized by a forceful separation.

If it does,
Then love was nonexistent in the true sense of the term.

Rather, the intensity and keenness in hearts,
Would increase with the extended period of detachment.

The gravitational force would continue to tie the ends,
Invisible messages would continue to exchange souls.

Chaos, worries could be prevalent with his social behavior,
Obstacles could be registered in the function of chlorophyll on his surface.

But "tulips" won’t go "bitter" in a day,
And there won’t be any "love- lost" in a day either.

Friday, 11 November 2016


I was lying camouflaged in the bumpy bosom of a mountain,
When you graced to identify and pick me as a valuable yellow metal.
A connoisseur in you rapped me carefully in the silken cloth of your affection,
And took me to your workshop to explore the quality in me.

You put me to the fire of your strict discipline and orders,
Hammered me with honest criticism and guidelines,
Drowned me in the cold water of togetherness and affection,
Carved a beautiful necklace of me putting all your sincerity, perseverance and artistry.

My beauty, tangibility was exclusively for you,
As you made me something out of nothing, worthy out of useless,
Hence, I yearn to adorn your neck, be an integrated part of your being,
Which was in fact a great honor to me and my humble gratefulness.

You too respected my silent prayer with your great heart,
Granted the place I so earnestly craved and most deserved,
I had somewhere a rough edge that pinched your soft body,
You feel scared, throw me away in anguish and went away.

Can your own craft, your brain baby inflict pain on you deliberately?
Be judicious to your creation.


I was having everything material that one desires from life,
But there still was a patch of sorrow, of not having a bosom,
Whom I would share honestly, frankly and fearlessly my soul,
And who being my own would care my concerns, emotions.

Kanha, my savior heard me, wished to give a smile on my lips,
Called on you, an angel from the world of unknown faces,
Delivered the truth of my misery and ordered to remove them,
Created the great feelings called love in your heart for me.

 You gushed through the valley of my barren heart,
Like a mountain spring, bursting with your flow abundant,
My days got thrilled, with the flow of your adoration,
Happiness flashed through every follicle of my spirit

Certainly, I had heard about the heaven and its angels,
I sway they cannot be more attractive, captivating than you.
The pleasure, containment, peace and serenity reigning there,
Cannot be more mounting and shining than what you part with me.

Oh, my goddess of love I owe you.


Happiness lies in contentment, sorrow in thirst for more,
Expectations have no limit in itself to reach a fulfilled point.

I remain contented with whatsoever Kanha bestows me,
As my destiny, my share of the earth and His blessings.

Therefore, I never feel the requirement of pleading for more near Him,
Rather, bow my head in gratitude for all that He graced me.

Moreover, when a father takes care and keeps concern of His son,
And the son truly trusts Him, then I don’t believe he needs to demand.

If I stretch my hands, they would be too small to amass my stretched desire,

Hence, I pray you Kanha; give me that much as you think I deserve most.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


My “Love- tale” began “When you came” in my life,
And did “Paint” it with all colors from “The Spectrum of Rainbow.”

I did not need to wait for “The sun” and its “Fragrant rays”
“Your knocks” were enough to make my morning shine.

Your buzz, smiles and affectionate shouts made my days “Flowering”
And nights full of sweet romantic dreams of your lovely lines.

Unintentionally but willingly I loped towards your “Grip of love”,
Which made you my “Intimate” “Ally” and “Indispensable” “Friend.”

We went on to chime many “Rhymes of Rain” in rhythm,
“Oh moon”“I remember” all those “Do you remember” too?

Your august presence affected my “Peacock dance”
Even then, you have the “Query,” “What you are for me?”

You are my ever-awaited celestial blessings, the “First Rain”,
To reign over my life, days, nights, heart, soul and pen.

“I wonder” why you left, leaving me in “Emptiness” and “Agony”
“My heart aches, your ” Silence hurts” “Remembering” you.

I still have “Trust on you” there is no” Love-lost “for you
Nothing “Bitter” in me, no “sigh” only a wish for you.

“Stay blessed”

Sunday, 6 November 2016


You are vast and strange,
Like the infinite outer space,
Concealing many great and good things in you.

The more I get close, and you open up,
Your personality impresses me more,
Respect and love for you in me increases.

My pulse vibrates speedier than before,
The heart craves for more intimacy,
You become indispensable for me.

Your acquaintance seems inadequate,
I swear to spare time only for you,
Resolute to devote the rest of my life for you.

Saturday, 5 November 2016


Breathing continues,
The body remains active,
I carry out all my social responsibilities,
But my heart ceases to palpitate,
And I die when you go away from me,
In order to resurrect once again when you come back.
 Is it the same situation there?
No face looks familiar to me,
Every smile seems like they laugh at me,
Their eyes seem to be questioning some unanswerable query,
I fear to be among the crowd,
And feel comfortable in solitude.

Is it love?


There was no jolt to my trust on you when I blasted,
It was just my concern of you and your reputation.

My trust on you is boldly and solidly established,
On the concrete foundation of deep devotion.

I trust you as a blind man trust on a stick to cross a road,
An acrobat trusts on a bamboo for balance when he walks on a rope.

My reliance on you is like a living being relies on respiration to survive,
A river believes the ocean of acceptance when it originates.

My dependence on you is like that of the earth on the sun,
In infiltrating the darkness of night with its light.

My faith in you is as firm as my trust on my readers,
To accept my first book “The Spectrum of Rainbow” with love.

Can trust of a devotee on his god change in an adverse situation?
If so, then I am not the one of that sort.

There may be a wreck on the bridge of our love and I may drown,
But my love will leave you secured on the safe portion.

You may cut apart the rope of our emotional tie and flee,
But I will not cross the unmarked boundary of decorum.

I assure my trust will never be shaken nor moved

By anyone, any day, anyway, even if you try it yourself.

ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ, ଲୋ ସଙ୍ଗିନୀ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ  ବଡ ଦାଣ୍ଡ ଆଜି ଦିବ୍ୟ ବୈକୁଣ୍ଠ ଲୋ  ରଥେ ବିଜେ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ।  ଏ ଲୀଳାକୁ ଦ...