Monday, 30 March 2015


Life never remains, 
Only on one side,
The lighted one;
Though every one expect it to be
On one's favourable always.

Happiness and sorrow,
Victory and defeat,
Good health and illness
Abundance and lacking,
May one like them or not
Must come in it 
One after another
On or against one's will.

If its all well in long stretch
Everything favouring happens,
And one in a constantly growing graph,
Be thankful to God but be prepared
Darkness will come after light,
Night will follow the day.

One in prolonged misery should hope,
Though tough time seems longer
Than good and comfortable time,
Believe that God is there
And He is not biased nor miser
In time good things He will deliver.

Sunday, 29 March 2015


Silence over here,Pin drop
From the day you departed
From my city and my life
But not from my heart,
Switching off my smile
Locking up my eloquent tongue.
Definitely there are
People here around me
Trying but failing
To make me smile,
Wishing to listen
Sweet words of me,
But the lock inside
My heart is not responding
You Let Me
To their sincere efforts.
I do not wish to tell them the facts,
That you hold the keys
And gone away from here
Never to get back
To open the lock
And make me smile
And talk heart-fully again.
Its not your fault
To leave me this way,
I know your job here was over
And you went away
Hesitantly,unwillingly and forcefully,
Covering your face in both hands,
While tear drops were rolling down 
From between your fingers.
Not also your mistake
To take away the keys
To my happiness and smile
I have in fact
Handed it over to you
And refused to take it back.
Who is to be blamed now
Neither me nor you or anyone
Known or unknown to us
Should be blamed
For the mishap
In my life and off course
I know in yours.
The time, circumstances and destiny
All of them are culprits
Of making conspiracy
Against my heart and yours
Hang them or pardon them
The choice is yours.

Friday, 27 March 2015


Move on and on and on
The show must go on.
Do not look back 
What you had lost,
Its history its past
Will never get back a bit
On your crying and trying for it.
Beware and be vigilant that
It should neither cast it's shadow
Over your present or future.
Do not also blame
Yourself or any one for it
The torment you had gone through
And if any you still face
It destined for you.
Youth that is passed and you 
Nostalgically crying for it,
Is just one wild untamed horse
Tames with the hunter of the Time.
In this small  span of your life,
The pain, the sufferings you go through,
Are insignificant and negligible
As short  as water bubbles.
A woman are you
Just like the mother earth
See how she tolerates
Silently all the tortures
But delivers goods to her habitants.
Tough time will go
Paving way for a new tomorrow,
A better tomorrow and not a bitter one
As this or that you have passed.
God is Great and merciful ,
 And He has in His package
A lot of smile and pleasure
Will deliver to you in His Time.

Thursday, 26 March 2015


How silly I am,
Have given you my heart
Even being unaware of
Who and how you are.
Do not blame me of this
Not blaming or cursing you either
Its all my fate and destiny.
On each move of my pen
On each verse of my poem
Its you my queen and none but you.
Each word you spoke
And each song you sing for me
Echoed in my mind
All these day and night.
You and your pains
Made me forget my own
I prayed for only yours,
As duty of being your king.
I had given you all
Nothing more with me
Except these few words
And the sweet memory of you.
I had played my turn
Now the ball is in your court
Kick it or keep it its up to you.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Had the Bible been true,
As it is always
We all believe it to be
We all are sons and daughters
Of  the first woman and man,
The blessed and cursed Eve and Adam.(1)
Then why should we be
Different from each other
Some blacks and some whites
Does the colour matter ?
More than what we are worth,
More than what we give to the earth.(2)
Then why should we be
Different from each other
Because some believe in Islam,Hinduism etc
Others in Christianity ,Protestant or Catholic
Uncountable various beliefs and religions,
Varies from region to region.(3)
The way all rivers  go to bays,
In direct or indirect ways
Mingle in to one Ocean water,
We call Him may be in different names,
In different rituals and forms,
It is His supreme power before which
We all bend our heads.(4)
Then why should any one say ?
"My way is the best"
"I sway, I challenge none can prove it to be,
Then why is there at times clash over it ?
Let us honour other's feelings, beliefs and philosophy,
And let people do as they wish,
Without harming others emotions,
And not crossing others feelings and ways.(5)
We forget we have something over our shoulder
God bestowed us the power to think
Consider and judge what is right and what is wrong
Unbiased unlike other creatures,
Sorry,some of us do not use it proper
Before being driven by vested interests.(6)
Look in to the history and learn ,
How God and Goodness always won,
Over the Satan and it's mischievous threats.
To destroy us with all its strength,
It has never succeed in it's sinful moves,
But history tells us that we never learn from history.(7)
He who thinks himself,
To be superior for God's sake,
He is of course "a superior fool"
As he does not know the power of God,
For what so ever he may propose,
As and what God thinks just he dispose.(8)
let the intellectual world go,
Hand in hand to build this world,
One mankind not of any race,
Not Indian,European,African or American,
Not Hindu, Muslim, Christian or otherwise,
Neither white ,black nor man and woman,
Let the whole world be one.(9)

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


I love  a star !

Must be stunning !
Yes she is a star
Lighted with her own light.
And  I am a dwarf
Unjustified love, silly move ,
May be but it is true.
What can I do ?
Can not help my heart
It would not obey me,  I sway,
Involve in a long argument
With my mind and wisdom.
They tried a lot to convince
But it never bowed near them.
"Should I show a mirror,
 You can never reach her
In this life and she neither
Would get down to see you
Then how is this practical
That you love her, you fool,
Think over it again in cool,
Forget about that star
She is not made for you."
 "That thinking stuff is yours,
I am heart no mind nor wisdom,
 Where I bend ,I bend
 Once and once for all."
 "For love I need belief and trust,
 I have it,I have it deep in me."

Then you just want to be
Rejected un-granted and dejected
For she would not ever say "yes"
And she might have her Sun
Will laugh at you tiny fellow."
May be but I would not ever
Say her of my love
Will be happy and contend with the smile
That she gave me from her sky,
And she can not stop me do that
Love her from so far,
Do not wish to be called a broken heart."
“She wont ever deprive me,
From my share of light,
And my share of smile as well,
But I wont ever cry in love,                           
For my tear may harm her,  
When I love how can I cause harm,
Rather I can take pain myself
And my sorrow within,
Send only smile for her,             
For I want her to smile,
May be not for me”.

Monday, 23 March 2015


Do not ask me
Why I wait you
Why I value you
Why I need you
These are the questions
So silly
Not expected at all from thee.
You must know
I need nothing from you
Yesterday,this day or days ahead to come
Except a little bit
Sharing of heart Caring of emotions.

I must expect
And I deserve
These priceless things
From my one and only
Good friend of all times.

Friday, 20 March 2015


Annoyed with me ?
Why ?
I took thine name hundred times,
But only before thee,
And not in open,
Not before the whole world.
And you say "stop that."
Do you not deserve that ?
My appreciation.
May be I do not have,
The right to do so,
So you think it an offence.
And if it is one,
Is it unforgivable ?
Will I ever ,
Get a person as you ?
If yes, then I would not
Wish to have one either,
Till I breath my last.
Now that you left me out,
It's time to take His asylum.
As I know,
He may become annoyed at times,
But never He stops that,
Giving love and taking care.

Monday, 16 March 2015


Life will go on
As it is a process continuous,
Even if you and me be there or not
Never halts or waits
For any individual
However important he or she be.
But an unfulfilled
Vacuum will definitely be
Created in my life
For you for sure
I believe none will there
Ever be and I would not allow
Anybody in to it.
As for me
You are the one
And only
So so so special
And unique are Thee.
Thee and thine memory
Will definitely
Take shelter
In my poems
On the papers
Till I be on earth
In great regards
And wormeth of
My Heart.

Sunday, 15 March 2015


दर-ए-मयखाने पर गये,  पर जाम न टकराया,
अश्क का जाम बना पी गया, जब तेरी याद आयी।     Dar-e-maikhanepar gay a par jam na takraya.

Ask ka jam bana pi gaya jab tera yaad ayi.

Saturday, 14 March 2015


Loving a man who fears,

Will leave one live like this.

 For love and fear do not go together,

A coward  deserve no love.

In love man goes ahead,

To face the whole world on one side,

The customs, the systems, caste or creed,

 And the beloved on the other.

 Do not ever go with him,

Whom you love and expect a return.

But him who loveth you,

Give him, he is your man,

 Taking care of you and your emotions.

Only he will come forward,

When in struggle and hardship,

 Will be his who loveth you ,

 Silently taking the bite of thorn himself,

 He will leave the roses for you.

Its past do not think of it,

Never come back why to cry over split milk.

 Live your today and plan for it,

 It’s your day you care for it,

Tomorrow belongs to God leave it to him.

Friday, 13 March 2015


Dreaming is highly required to reach certain hight,achieve desired goal. Until and unless you dream something,think over your dream, chalk out a plan and work on it you will live aimlessly and reach the place where life lands you. I would say such life is not a living simply existing just like many other living beings does.Eat, sex,reproduction, sleep are characteristics of  unwise creatures. Human beings are different from them because of a developed brain to think,plan,proceed and progress ,even though you might have noticed there are many of them who simply exist like them.They do not have any choice regarding listening to news, music, books,knowledge of surrounding, interest in food,clothings,politics,movies,sports,writing computer,mobiles or any other thing which might make them different from those unwise creatures.At the day break they go out for work to earn a livelihood,got back at the evening, went out to the betel or tea shop to kill some time,reach home at night ,eat, make sex and sleep. Then again repeat the day in that routine manner.They you can watch bear indifferent attitude towards local problems, visiting new places,political choice and directly speaking in everything.I once asked one of such mentality "who will come to power this year's
election ?" His answer was simply stunning "What will become of me and what I will gain if this comes comes to power or that".My reply gone past over his head." What is the sense of your living if you are to die one day ?" If all human beings think his way then we could have been going to different places by foot, eating raw food,fighting to kill and survive.Civilization progresses and prospers by using brains  along with brans. God has given a developed brain to human beings to think,judge, plan,dream for oneself and for the whole society giving priority to the interest and benefit of the larger body.So think and answer to yourself what you think of yourself while benefiting fellow human beings.Be a thinker and think of yourself and the whole world.

Monday, 9 March 2015


None on earth is bestowed with all blessings.
 Lacking of things reminds people of Him (1)

 Had He been given all you expect,
You wont bow head in devotion or respect.(2)

 Never see what He has not given,
Thank Him for the lot you are the chosen one.(3)

 People do what not just to manage a meal.
Against their conscience against their will.(4)

While taking lunch unsure of dinner,
Nothing to chose beggars are no choosers.(5)

 Many of them live in nothing nothing world,
 Struggling each day just for survival.(6)

Going out of home not sure of return,
 Living to die among bombs and guns.(7)

Not to think of things beyond your reach,
 Not everything is going to go as per your wish.(8)

 Do your duties result belongs to God,
 He will judge your work good or bad.(9)

 Riding on your pen boarding on your books,
Sail your journey of life to the sublime of success.(10)

 Do not look down, look up in to the sky,
Very little is your pain ,you can still fly.(11)

Sunday, 8 March 2015


You are not back yet,
I, you should know
Have my limitations.
Of patience
With unlimited aspirations
Disturbed by some social compulsions.
Setting aside rest of the world,
I am waiting for you
To be back in my world,
The world of dream
Of happiness,sharing and caring,
Of wounds and pain that the time has given,
To you but posted in my heart.

Saturday, 7 March 2015


I love Thee,
The omnipresent, the ever present,
The eternal
My ultimate shelter
Present on every particle of earth
On beyond earth, the sky the whole universe.(1)
Every bit of things bears your signature,
Your touch
You the creator, the destructor,
We everything animate and inanimate,
Part of Nature,thus feminine,
You the only male
Playing and enjoying with us,
At will, as you wish.
Laughing over our silliness.
Appreciating and supporting our wisdom,
Backing everything good and virtuous.(2)
I name You ,
May be in different names,
Does it matter ?
Names are not connotative

We fight over
These names
The name that I follow is better,yours not,
Immature,ignorant,childish tussles,
Pardon us,after all we are 
Your brain babies,unwise creatures.(3)
Love as we are so interested to share,
So keen to display is,
Pendulum swinging from 
This person to that.
Gives happiness and sorrow,
Comfort and difficulty.(4)
But Your love towards us,
Unconditional,always, ever present.
Never ending,
Soothing,eternal satisfactory,
Flowing continuously,
We will go one day,
Crores of us like things
Gone and will come to go,
But You were, are, and will be
Still there to to welcome and see us off.(6)
We running after vanity
After nothing
Meaningless earthly possessions,
Drinking not the nectar of thine name,
But in passion for wine, woman and wealth.(7)
We the silly creatures
Excuse us for we drink,
The poison knowingly,
And leave the nectar aside, 
For we love temporary things,
And leave the eternal one alone.

ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ, ଲୋ ସଙ୍ଗିନୀ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ  ବଡ ଦାଣ୍ଡ ଆଜି ଦିବ୍ୟ ବୈକୁଣ୍ଠ ଲୋ  ରଥେ ବିଜେ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ।  ଏ ଲୀଳାକୁ ଦ...