Move on and on and on
The show must go on.
Do not look back
What you had lost,
Its history its past
Will never get back a bit
On your crying and trying for it.
Beware and be vigilant that
It should neither cast it's shadow
Over your present or future.
Do not also blame
Yourself or any one for it
The torment you had gone through
And if any you still face
It destined for you.
Youth that is passed and you
Nostalgically crying for it,
Is just one wild untamed horse
Tames with the hunter of the Time.
In this small span of your life,
The pain, the sufferings you go through,
Are insignificant and negligible
As short as water bubbles.
A woman are you
Just like the mother earth
See how she tolerates
Silently all the tortures
But delivers goods to her habitants.
Tough time will go
Paving way for a new tomorrow,
A better tomorrow and not a bitter one
As this or that you have passed.
God is Great and merciful ,
And He has in His package
A lot of smile and pleasure
Will deliver to you in His Time.

Do not look back
What you had lost,
Its history its past
Will never get back a bit
On your crying and trying for it.
Beware and be vigilant that
It should neither cast it's shadow
Over your present or future.
Do not also blame
Yourself or any one for it
The torment you had gone through
And if any you still face
It destined for you.
Nostalgically crying for it,
Is just one wild untamed horse
Tames with the hunter of the Time.
In this small span of your life,
The pain, the sufferings you go through,
Are insignificant and negligible
As short as water bubbles.
A woman are you
Just like the mother earth
See how she tolerates
Silently all the tortures
But delivers goods to her habitants.
Tough time will go
Paving way for a new tomorrow,
A better tomorrow and not a bitter one
As this or that you have passed.
God is Great and merciful ,
And He has in His package
A lot of smile and pleasure
Will deliver to you in His Time.
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