Even though you are a visualizer,
Thinker, discoverer, teacher,
Revolutionary and a creator,
It will be an exaggeration, a misdeed,
To give you the degree of god.
The dumb nature, things, events,
Which fail to put impact,
In the thought processes of laymen,
Or even in the minds of learned men,
Talk a lot to you like a loquacious man,
Depict before you their tales and concerns.
By the blessings of the almighty,
You are capable of reading the eyes,
Getting into the minds, titillating the hearts,
Depleting their grief, refreshing their spirits
Titivating fresh dreams in the lives of readers,
With your artistic sagacity and sense of humor.
Your artifacts weave a pleasure region,
An asylum of peace and satisfaction,
That shelters your reliant readers,
As well as its worthy artificer.
Learned, wise and contemplative humans,
Having hopes and dreams of the world as a heaven,
Desiring the ethos to be in the greatest heights,
Enthusiastically read your art for new lights.
Different n encouraging.