Friday, 25 October 2019

With the time

With the time,
things and persons change,
but the same way.

At the daybreak the sun pops up in the east,
makes dawn a calm and quiet time.
Then, with the increasing presence
of  hotness of the sun it becomes midday,
a restless time; dusty and difficult to pass.
Then, the light that once had covered the time,
made the air hot, faints; the dusk arrives,
makes the time somewhat comfortable,
there is still light in the air but no hotness now.
 Then the remaining  light vanishes,
 with the fall of night, the darkness prevails,
 silence everywhere, until another day break. 

The same happens with human souls.
It takes the body and begins a journey,
with full of innocence in it  at the childhood,
like the pleasant pure morning air.
Then it meets crowd, the society,
the hotness of selfishness, dust of ego,
makes it restless and many times critical
 we call it maturity, adulthood.
Now the adult becomes  old,
mind becomes cool, thoughtful,
free from running after things,
ears become eager to hear the evening bells,
from the temple, to bow with humbleness.
Abruptly the light from within vanishes,
the soul leaves the body, doom darkness prevails,
silence everywhere, maybe until anther day break.

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