In this world, a large theater
souls descend wearing costumes of bodies,
to act in different roles,
as assigned to them,
by the eternal producer, God.
Characters decide,
the scripts for themselves,
act according to their wishes, whim,
and that freedom makes some of them,
arbitrary, unscrupulous and lawless.
They forget, that the producer,
keeps an eye on them,
a record of their activities,
good or bad,
From behind the screen.
Not that they are unaware,
not that the prompters don't warn them,
that they are responsible for their deeds,
that they all are answerable,
to Him once they leave the stage.
But the glitter and glamour of the stage,
the intoxication of the rights and roles allotted to them,
blind their vision, cover their wisdom,
until it is too late, until their time expires,
to rectify the blunders committed.
souls descend wearing costumes of bodies,
to act in different roles,
as assigned to them,
by the eternal producer, God.
Characters decide,
the scripts for themselves,
act according to their wishes, whim,
and that freedom makes some of them,
arbitrary, unscrupulous and lawless.
They forget, that the producer,
keeps an eye on them,
a record of their activities,
good or bad,
From behind the screen.
Not that they are unaware,
not that the prompters don't warn them,
that they are responsible for their deeds,
that they all are answerable,
to Him once they leave the stage.
But the glitter and glamour of the stage,
the intoxication of the rights and roles allotted to them,
blind their vision, cover their wisdom,
until it is too late, until their time expires,
to rectify the blunders committed.
GOD bless your straightforwardness!!!