Collided with
the rocky streets of life,
Dejected by
the unsuccessful strives,
Scared by
the undesirable results,
Hunted by
negative currents,
When my
soul wishes to open out,
Near an
eager ear, a generous heart,
A helping
hand, someone I can call my own,
She is you,
near whom I prefer to open,
She is you,
who gathers my scattered soul,
With your
wise compassionate counsel.
It’s me being
a straightforward creature,
Know not
how many times I hurt your core,
But you
being gem of an extraordinary person,
Never mind
them, come forward to solve my concern.
Call it
our love for each other or a nice friendship,
I am fully
contented with whatsoever I dig up,
From the
treasury of the one I call God,
artifact His most passionately designed,
A true
divine description of a true friend