Wednesday, 27 January 2016


Sixty-eight years since we most deservingly are a free nation,
After independence from foreign rules, we are the disposers of our own fortune.

This day Nineteen-fifty we gave to ourselves the Preamble and a Constitution,
To suit our multicultural, multi-linguistic, democratic,secular, sovereign and republic nation.

As of now, our constitution looks like outdated and lacking something, hence needs a review,
To make it more beneficial, constructive, progressive and vibrant from nation's point of view.

No system, no arrangement can be perfect and effective over a long period or forever,
It is high time for our intellectuals to debate, reassess and have a broad look in to the matter.

The lengthy and delayed judicial procedures, suppleness of laws causing the justice denied,
Also due to non-accountable police system, terrorism, fundamentalism and social insecurity resulted.

The inequalities in approach, nepotism, favoritism, non-transparency and corrupt practices,
Non-fixing of answerability of citizens and authorities blocking the nation's progress.

We must keep eye on all groups, castes, regions, communities and their interests,
However, for a better future of India, the soul of our system should be, "the Nation First." 

Monday, 25 January 2016


You went away suddenly,
Because I did not appreciate you openly,
Rather criticized you honestly and truthfully.
Do you know why?
The answers are so simple as this,
I am your friend and a well-wisher,
Hence, I wanted you to grow day by day,
I wished you to leave your imprint on the civilization,
I desired you to glow in the sky with the great persons.

Moreover those who praise you openly,
May be secretly slandering!
With intentions to impress you,
Or with motives to seduce you.
Nothing is there in sweet and hollow words,
What matters much is our deeds.
Flatterers will never have any concern to your growth,
They are always focused on their intentions.
Tomorrow if you tumble from the height where they placed you today,
It will be they who would clap, smile and rejoice covertly.

He who wants to show you a mirror,
Actually thinks of removing dusts of your face,
So that you look more clean and glamorous
His forthright approach indicates his trust in you,
May be it looks like hitting and hurting your emotions?
However it is out of veneration and respect for you.
When a mother scolds her baby for her negligible mistake,
Does that mean she never loves her ?
Is it not a silly question my good friend ?
May be you do not expect such a great thing from this quarter.

I am not fortunate enough to have such a person in my life,
Who admires secretly, scolds and guides me openly,
Or maybe I will never come across such a person any day,
I will never have such a person, who would love me so much,
So that she would trust me and would never misunderstand me.
And I cannot be blind-eyed to your shortcomings,
Just in order to retain you with me forever,
Stay wherever you wish, you will stay blessed from me,
However the fact remains; that Pradipta will always miss thee. 

Sunday, 24 January 2016


Of late though, on the first day of the fourth quarter of January,
The annual routine New Year picnic of colleagues was organized.
It was all about his party and his day, devoid of her,
Not to mention, the contents being the cause of masculinisation. .
Taking relief for a day from the tough and madding life,
Away from everyday encounters with numerous travelling crowd,
We were in a mood to have a lot of fun and jollification from dawn to dusk.

The bus packed with fifty odd friends and staffers,
Started on the sun rise from the station,our work place.
With Sayari ,Gajjal and Haiku demands from friends,
Pradipta enchanted among claps and shrieks on that one hour journey.
"I see your love for me and my works, thanks." he bowed.
Music at intervals continued until the bus reached Madku island on Arpa river,
A five hundred meter long, quarter of that wide picnicker's paradise.

Pakoda, wada, ghugni, chana masala, salads for the breakfast,
With tea, coffee and cold drinks for those who had preferred,
Were arranged on a table instantly by the organizers.
"Its party time," were the words to initiate the enjoyment,
Music was on to augment the entertainment.
The only natives of the island, some monkeys wishing to participate,
Were frightened away by the gunshots of a friend.

Tables and chairs were placed in knee-deep river water,
For the second and most desirable as well as popular round.
Glasses clashed and "cheers"  echoed with laughter,
It was time for the daughter of grapes to enter the throats,
And take them to her sweet but dangerous invocation,
Roasted chicken, meatballs and fish fries being her companions.
Some chickens,fishes and a goat sacrificed their life for the occasion.

Glasses emptied, contents of plates thrown in to stomach on quick successions,
Until chairs with men began to float on the cold river water,
Sayarian and Gajjals from pradipta and jokes from others added to the colors.
Yes, he is no saint and do not hesitate to sheer away once in a blue moon.
"If it is wrong then it should not be done and if it is right then no need to hide."
Thanks to the organizers they carried everyone  to the bus,
Only when the evening approached and the darkness engulfed the island.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Do not love me, rather leave me unaccompanied,
I now got the sort of love I long cherished,
He is the mightiest, the savior whom I now love,
Stupid I was, didn't observe earlier that his is the best I should have.
The pleasure in loving and living for him is unimaginable,
Moreover, his love for us is incomparable, incredible.
He who loves us all unbiased without any expectation,
It is he, about whom all of us should be keen on.

With you I would undergo suffering, diseases, old age and death,
Struggle, misery, defeat and disgrace as long as I live on this earth.
Worried, anxious, confused, disturbed I would remain all my way,
Never fully satisfied, restless till our bond would end one day.
In Him I discovered my final asylum, my eternal conjunction
Untied from the bondage of life-death, satisfaction-depression.
No sorrow, no pain, no grief would dare to touch me,
I would not have time or mind to think anything other than Him.

Your love is conditional, subjective, sensuous and parsimonious,
A procession of sterile efforts for the fulfillment of unlimited desires.
Once you come out of these mental blocks of obsession of sweet-nothings,
The devotion, the passion, the quest for His love would begin.
Come with Pradipta or stay away the decision would be yours,
But once you recognize the truth you will be His I assure
Close your eyes, take His name, surrender completely at His feet.
Meditate of His greatness, pray for His alms, He would be with you in a moment.

Heart full of love,trust,devotion, total reliance what can we offer,
What else is ours, we brought with us or created all by ourselves here.
Now you would get to know His depth and the sweetness of His privity,
Would realize that we run after mortal and provisional things all life mindlessly.
You would be awakened and amazed witnessing His glory, His glamour
Your eyes would be dazzled and soul enlighten viewing His grandeur .
Visualize Him through your mind's eye and stay graced with divine bliss,
A perpetual, perennial flow of divine love is the best thing for you I wish.

Saturday, 16 January 2016


Pradipta is a misfit to this social order,
As he trusts all of them, he encounters,
And very easily gets carried away by sweet words,
Deliberately, softly and eloquently said.
He can be brainwashed easily with a little appreciation,
By any swindler wishing to fulfill an intention.

He is misfit to the religious set up he belongs,
Because he regards the rest others in the same way,
Gets dressed and perfumed to hug them on the Idd,
Congratulate the others on occasion of the sacred  X-mas, 
The other day greets friends with sweets of  Diwali,
With the same enthusiasm and open spirit.

On being asked he says, " I have not seen anyone,
Either Allah, God or Krishna, then who am I to adjudicate ?
And  why should I take it for grant,
Mine to be right and the other's to be wrong ?
Do not count me in Hindu, Muslim or Christian,
I only wish to be known as a human. 

He loves and regards all on the globe,
Even being informed that some are enemy nationals,
On being questioned he says "You had drawn the lines,
They are artificial causing division among human being !
Your Allah, God or Krishna never did that for you,
Neither He advised you to draw them among the hearts."

He sits  with them all,on the same table,
The Whites, the Blacks and people of complex color,
Eats with them who eat meat, beef, fish or vegetarian,
Explains this, "Color, structure,choice of food are as per climate, 
Have you peeped through their hut, glance through their hearts ?
The pattern of life  vibrates the same way everywhere."

He do not deserve to be confided a thought,
As he never uses his brain, deals with his heart,
And he know not where, how and why to lie,
"To lie means going away from God,
Truth is like fire and it would be triumphant in the end,
One life to live on the righteous way." he says.

His words and deeds meant to sabotage the social structure,
That across the globe we are accustomed and have nurtured,
Also contrary to our trusts, beliefs and worships,
He is a rogue, a misfit, an insane or may be an atheist,
Hence let us kill him or imprison him in a cage of a zoo,
This centuries old phantom of the king Harishchandra. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


                                            तू  कहती फिरती थी की गुनहगार है हम ,
                                          फिर तू क्यों छुपाते फिर रही है चेहरा अपना ।
                                                 आज जब हम आईना के सामने गए ,
                                         मेरी आंखों में तेरी बेवफा सूरत उभर आयी।
                                             आग तो तू ने लगाई थी  मेरे  जीबन में ,
                                        फिर धुआँ क्यूँ  कर तुम्हारे घर से उठ रहा।
                                    कब तक भागते फिरोगे तुम अपनी  गुनाहों के साये से ,
                                      सच्चाई की रोशनी तुम्हे बेनकाब कर देगी एक दिन।
                                            मक्कारी के बीज तो बो लिये  है  तुम ने,
                                      अब क्या झूट के फसल को ढो पाओगे उम्र भर।
                              तेरी जुल्म-ओ-सितम को हमनें  तो बरदास्त कर लिया ,
                                पर क्या खुदा को भी तेरी बेवफाई राश आयेगी ।
                             वक्त लगेगा  जरूर है  मेरी  आह को असर करने में ,
                             भले हम तेरी  हालात को देखने के लिए रहे न रहे।


 मजहब के नाम पर जन्नत का  ख्वाब  दिखाने  वाले ,
           खुदा की  करिश्माई  दुनिया  को जहन्नुम बना देते हें,
                      खुद तो इसी  जहाँ मैं  महफूस  रहकर जन्नत का मजा लेते हें,
                               जेहाद  के नाम पर नौजवानों को  मौत के कुएँ में धकेल देते हें।
खुदा गवाह है, ये जिस के हुक्म से संसार मैं आते हैं ,
         अपने मतलब के लिए उसी के नाम को बदनाम कर जाते हैं,
                 डरते नहीं है गुनाह-ए-अजीम से ये लोग, इंसानियत का  क़त्ल कर जाते हैं
                                    हमें शक है   क्या ये वाकई खुदा को जानते और  मानते हैं?
मजहब तो सारे अच्छाई का भंडार,खुदा है  मालिक कहते हें ,
           खुदा की खुदाई ,नेकी-बदी के  सच्चाई से भ्रमित रहते हें
                              उन्ही के नाम पर नफरत के  जहर की   खेती उगाते  हें,
                                         इंसान की नस्ल में  फूट डाल कर राज करना चाहते हें। 
औरों के बच्चों को जेहाद, शहादत का पाठ पढ़ानेवाले,
             खुद की बच्चों को महफूज दुरी पर उच्चशिक्षा दिलवाते हें ,
                             क्या वे अपने बच्चों के लिए जन्नत नहीं चाहते हें ?
                                           फिर उन्हें अपने आदर्शों से दूर क्यों रखना चाहते हें। 
नौजवानों मैं धार्मिक उन्माद और आदर्श के जोश भर कर अपना भद्दा मकसद को अंजाम देनेवाले 
कुक्ष्यात आतंकियों , अपराधियों  और नक्सली नेताओं के बच्चे उनके कार्य के परिधि के बाहर 
 दुरी पर पढ़ते हैं। दूसरे के बच्चों को खतरों और मौत के मुँह में ढ़केल देने का सर्बदा प्रयासरत ये लोग अपने बच्चों के लिए क्या चाहतें हैं आएये देखें। 
1 . माननीय राजीब गांधीजी के हत्यारें नलिनी-मुरुगन  की बेटी हरिथा ब्रिटेन मैं बायो मेडिसिन पढ़रही है। 
2 .झारखण्ड मैं सक्रिय नक्सली देब कुमार सिंह उर्फ़ अरबिंद का बेटा अभिषेक आई.आई.टी. कानपूर से पासआउट है। वह फ्यूजियन टोड टेक्नोलॉजी नामक कंपनी के सीईओ है। 
3. फरार नक्सली मुपल्ला लक्ष्मण राव उर्फ़ गणपति का बेटा मुपल्ला श्रीनिवास राव उर्फ़ राजू चित्तूर   श्रीवेंकटेश्वर कॉलेज ऑफ़ टेक्नोलॉजी से सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियरिंग की है।  फ़िलहाल वे अमेरिका के  शिकागो मैं एक अन  लाइन हेल्थ मैनेजमेंट कंपनी सीबीएस केयरमार्क मैं कार्य रत है। 
4 . भारत में संसद पर आतंकी हमले की दोषी और फांशी  की सजा पा चुके अफ़ज़ल गुरु का बेटा ग़ालिब इस साल जम्मू-कश्मीर बोर्ड की मैट्रिक परीक्षा में ९५% रख कर घाटी में १९वाँ स्थान रखे हें।               सब से महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है की जिन आदर्शों के लिए समाज के नौजवानों में ये लोग हिंसा और नफरत के जहर भरते हें, अपने बच्चों को उस जन्नत के रास्ते से दूर क्यों रखना चाहते हें ? क्या कोई अच्छी चीज से अंपने बच्चे को दूर रखकर गैरों के बच्चों को देनेवाले महात्मा है ये लोग। बदनशीबी से कुछ लोगों का ब्रेन होता ही है वाश हो जाने के लिए। नौजवानों को चाहिए की किसी की वहकाओं में न आए।  इन आतंक के आकाओं के अपने परिवार के प्रति रुख को देखें। ये लोग सिर्फ मौत के सौदागर है कोई जन्नत के दरवाजे का दरवान नहीं। सबसे प्यार करें, सबका भला करें, इसी मैं ही उपरवाला , चाहे जिस भी नाम से बुलाओ उसको, उस से नजदीकी मिलसकता है। 

Friday, 8 January 2016


No need to remain anymore tolerant,
Against such brutal acts of the militants.
                  They are the enemies of the humanity,
                Deserve no consideration, mercy or pity.
Whenever you showed them the white flag,
Heartlessly stripped it red, these rogues.
                  No Prophet or God would advocate blood of innocent civilians, 
                   It is nothing but a misconception by some dirty and Satanic brain
They do not belong to any religion or God,
Rather a curse to humanity and anything good
                        They are the unruly beasts of the society,
                        We need to eliminate them with unanimity.
Their existence promote weapons competition,
May lead the earth one day towards destruction
                         By lingering the problem we let them grow,
                    Before it cankers, it is high time to finish them now.
Make them sleep peacefully in their graves,
Because that is the place, they most deserve.
                     Let them call pradipta intolerant in human interest,
                     Unlike those pseudo seculars I am truthful and  honest.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016


तेरे ढाए सितम ने वो अश्क बहाया ,
होश में तो छोड़ मेरी नजर ख्व्बों में  भी छलक आयी । 
मत पूछ कि  क्या हाल  है  मेरा तेरे बगैर ,
अपने दिल में झांक कर  तू इसका अंदाजा कर।
तू ही बता अब उसका  कौन है सहारा ,
जो गैरों से नहीं अपनों से ही हारा ?
माझी जब नैया डुबोने पर उत्तर आए ,
सवारी अपना  दुखड़ा किसको सुनाए ?
खुदा अगर बन्दे पे नाराज हो जाए ,
बेचारा बंदा अपना माथा कहाँ झुकाए ?
ऎसी भी क्या थी तेरी मज़बूरी ,
गैरों से करीबी  अपना  से दुरी।
जाने-अनजाने में  मुझसे हुआ  कोई दोष ,
बक्स  दो या सजा दो मगर छोड़ दो ये रोष।     

Saturday, 2 January 2016


You preferred to go away,
From a situation you think critical,
And beyond your control.

However will it be non-existent,
By your closing eye on to it?
Or will it be solved without your efforts ?
Can time erase history?
Is it wise to leave a wound to be cured,
Without treatment and proper care?

You need to ponder over these questions,
Pradipta knows you will get the answers,
There is no lock having without keys,
No question is made having without an answer,
You need to find them sooner or later.

Your brain is like a computer,
It will work when you open it,
Analyze the facts to find a solution,
The key is hidden in it.

Close your eyes and pray God,
To guide and assist you,
So that you yourself will open,
The lock of your luck.

God has a clue to everything,
You need to trust on Him,
Need to have self-confidence as well,
Escape is no solution.

Friday, 1 January 2016


Are you going to make a new year resolution ?
Can you take an oath on this new year day ?

Not too much I claim from you,
Nothing very big I expect from you,
Not a great sacrifice I thrust upon you.

Just I wish you broaden your heart,
You enlarge it so that the whole world is accommodated in it

I want a tolerance for those who are different from you,
Different in terms of religion, faith, belief and worship,
Dissimilar in matters of color, race and origin,
Unlike in matters of region, language and nationality from you.

Can you give unconditional love to them,
Even if they hate or hurt you and do not deserve your love?
Can you forgive them because they are ignorant,
And they know not what and why they do so ?
Can you ignore their blind fanaticism,
Because even though they are irrational they are your brethren ?

I expect this from you my friends,
Because I believe you are worthy sons of your creator,
I desire you to be just  human beings from this day,
And cultivate infinite tolerance for your unintelligent brethren. 

ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ, ଲୋ ସଙ୍ଗିନୀ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ  ବଡ ଦାଣ୍ଡ ଆଜି ଦିବ୍ୟ ବୈକୁଣ୍ଠ ଲୋ  ରଥେ ବିଜେ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ।  ଏ ଲୀଳାକୁ ଦ...