Our fights,
The fights between you and me,
Are the appearing of morning clouds,
Darkness, breeze, lightning, thunder sounds,
A lot of extravaganza all around,
But a clear sky only after a few seconds.
Our fights,
The fights between you and me,
Are like the wars between married couples,
A lot of show offs, tension and fake-duels
Arguments, threatening followed by hesitation,
At the day’s end a sweet and memorable reunion.
Our fights,
The fights between you and me
Do you know the truth of them, the real reasons?
Its love, deep love, pious love behind its origin,
It comes out of acute caring and sincere concerns,
And at the end strengthens the bond of our devotion.
यह प्यार की मधूर तकरार है, कोई जंग नहीं,
यहाँ मिलन की उमंग है, रंग की कोई भंग नहीं
you do not lie. there is always truth found in your words