Until you read my art, give your honest verdict
my composition remains incomplete
my heart remains unsettled I remain dissatisfied.
Just as the Prasad offered to Lord Jagannath
becomes Mahaprasad only after it is offered to Goddess Bimala,
my art gets fullness only when you decorates
them with few words of yours.
I assume you as a flame of the lamp call Pradipta,
and my glow is all because of your companionship and cooperation.
then how you caused darkness to prevail in my surrounding?
Certainly, to live among people having no keenness in spirituality,
piousness, is as good as living in darkness.
For me you are like the sacred water
of the river Ganges, a guru, a companion, an worship,
The words are not analogical, similes are not illogical.
This is the respect that I have in me for you.
By saying so do I wish to impress or seduce you,
no dear, such a thought would be shabbiness.
A world in which people worship physical beauty,
glamour, social position, wealth, entertainment, enjoyment
I opt for quality, purity of heart, act,thought,
Do I ever deviate from that path?
A society which is full of falsehood, duplicity , deception
impurity, selfishness, dishonesty, intolerance, ego, anger,
I give you truth, trust, honesty, respect, piousness, humbleness
Didn't I?
And what did I expect?
Honesty in friendship, a bit extra attention.
Don't I deserve?
Do I expect something wrong, impious.?
Not at all, I am not like this world,
This time it's not my fault.
Do not punish an innocent,
comeback and help me in my path of devotion.