Sunday, 29 October 2017

You are to me.

You read all my poems,
They have only one truth,
And the truth is you,
No one but you,
And my immense love for you.
Yes, it hurt me hard,
When you went away annoyed,
But did my pen stumble?
Did it ooze black ink?
No, it continued to ooze pink,
It will continue to ooze pink,
Irrespective of your presence or absence.
The day it will think
Of oozing black ink,
I will break the nib,
Throw it away to the dustbin,
You know what you are to me.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

My heart wants more

You reached a great height
Fly high in the sky of success,
Satisfied with where you reach
Don't expect a sky higher than this.
Your ardent well-wisher, your adorer
 Too is happy seeing your flight.

But he wishes a sky higher than this
Wishes you to explore into more height
 His hearty wishes are always your growth.
A better heaven of success, yet more height

Maybe for that he reproaches you
Criticizes you personally,
Uses bitter words to provoke you to do better,
Shows his fake annoyance near you.

His selfless being wishes the best and highest for you
Even at the cost of your frustration, enmity, hate.
He prays for it even if that makes you go beyond his reach,
Vanish out of his sight. 


You forget, I remember,
That secluded bank of the river,
That romantic moonlit evening hour,
When we meet first time ever,
I was a bit nervous and more eager,
Out of anxiety, your fringe was floating wildly in the air.

How can I forget?
The melody of a cuckoo from the branches of a mango tree,
The howling of a jackal from the nearby shrubbery,
The story of your snuggling me up in nervousness,
And my mutely thanking the heaven for all those.

How have you forgotten?
The first kiss on your cheeks that I had given,
Pretending to show you the moon
The blush on your face as a reaction,
Your pinching on my head as a display of your fake irritation,
That romantic scene that followed of annoyance and persuasion.

I will never forget this sweet story of my life,
As this memory is the fulcrum of my life.

Friday, 27 October 2017

तुम्हे याद नहीं हम भूले नहीं.

तुम्हे याद नहीं, हम भूले नहीं.
वह नदी का निर्जन किनारा,
वह रूमानी  चाँद  प्यारा,
हवा में लहराता आँचल तुम्हारा। 

हम कैसे भूलें ,
वो अमुआ की डाली में कोयल का साज,
पेडों के झुरमुट में सियार की आवाज,
तुम्हारा घबराके हम से लिपट जाने का राज। 

तुम कैसे भूल गए,
वह चाँद दिखाने के बहाने तुम्हारा मुंह चूम लेना,
झूठे गुस्से से मेरे गाल पर तुम्हारा चिकोट काटना,
रूठने मनाने की उस शाम का वह मधूर फसाना। 

हम नहीं भूलेंगे कभी,
हमारी मुहब्बत की ये नन्ही सी कथा,
जीवन की यह अनमोल मधुर व्यथा। 


You can’t be blamed,
You were a floating cloud,
Halted over my roof, rained,
My soul, that was thirsty from years,
Knew not the worth of water,
Became thrilled.
But my thirst remained half fulfilled,
When you became dried,
And deserted.
For which you can’t be blamed.

You can’t be blamed,
You were a luminary,
Stationed on your territory,
I happened to reach your boundary.
A domicile of eternal darkness,
Got a chance to witness brightness,
Began dwelling in bliss.
But I felt distress,
When you shifted your residence,
As per your convenience,
Here again you can’t be blamed.

No hard, no harm to live in lacking,
But it is impossible live without the thing,
Once one gets accustomed,
But for that you can’t be blamed.

Thursday, 26 October 2017


Ever since, my free birdie has left my shelter,
Flew away into the unsafe air,
I hold her in my prayer,
For her safe and comfortable venture.

Today one feather from her wing,
With the breeze come floating,
Fall in front of my shelter,
Punches heavily on my core.

I hold my tears to be the culprit,
Of such an undesirable inauspicious event,
As I believe tears of an innocent true adorer,
Put its impact on its liable factor.

But my heart did not ever claim or blame,
For neither my love nor I know the dirty game.
A loss of feather to her is the worst possible disaster,
That I can tolerate even in my nightmare.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


After your departure,
I was floating in the ocean of tears,
Carrying you carefully in my heart,
Nurturing the memory of our rapport.

Suddenly I heard a sound of sob from inside me,
A drop of tear fall from your eye,
Perhaps you were crying out of some irritation,
Or maybe by witnessing my miserable condition.

For me, your drop was heavier than my ocean,
As I had promised not to let you cry in any situation,
I failed miserably to bear that burden,
Drowned in the bottomless depth of depression.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

बूंद ओ सागर

मेरी  जिंदगी से तुम्हारे निकल जाने के बाद, 
              आंसूंओं के  सागर में  मैं बहा  जा रहा था, 
                         तुम्हे अपने दिल में बड़े प्रेम से पाले हुए, 
                                                    तुम्हारी  यादों को संभाले हुए।  
अचानक दिल के अंदर से एक सिसकी सुनाई दी ,
                       एक बूँद आंसू  गिर पड़ा मेरे कलेजे के ऊपर, 
                                   शायद तुम रो रहे थे किसी से परेशान हो कर, 
                                                     या फिर मेरी  दयनीयता को देख कर।  
तुम्हारी  बूंद मेरे सागर से भरी थी, 
   मैंने तुम्हे रोने न देने की  कसम जो खाया था, 
                         उस बूँद के बोझ को मैं नहीं सह पाया, 
                                    अवसाद की अथाह गहराई में मैं डूब गया।   

Monday, 23 October 2017


You can decorate my courtyard,
                        With as many lamps as you please.
But you cannot illuminate
             The deep gloom of my soul with their bliss.

From these tiny lamps,
                              You wish to brighten my mind,
How innocent of you; you insist
                                The fireflies to lighten a world.

 Mercifully, you wish me to bathe
                                 In the lights for a brief period,
Smile heartily coming out of the grave
                                        Of sorrow for that period.

I do not wish to smile temporarily
                   While I know that sorrow is my fortune,
  No fleeing from my permanent ally            
                          As I do not trust in fleeting relations.

There is a moon in the heaven
                                        That can cure my affliction,
But she forgot the path of my sky
                              Once she dipped into the horizon.

The full moon night, the moonbeams,
                                  Will certainly come for others,
But the new moon had decided
                                            To reign over my sector.

Whatsoever she had given me
                                Even if it is tears, it is my heaven,
And I do not wish to come
                              Out of the spell of her adoration.


Isolation made me a habitant of the deepest part of the gloomy ocean,
And my soul trembles in the thought of lights and celebration.

My acquaintance with the gloom is so intense,
That the light pinches my eyes and irritates my senses.

The spark of love that struck my heart on the Diwali last year,
Is burning me in the shape of a terrible fire after your departure.   

Knowing well the pain of burning why should I set fire,
To the innocent earthen lamps just for the sake of my pleasure?

Moreover, these artificial lights are incapable instruments,
 To remove the darkness of separation that covered my heart.

I fear, on the contrary, these messengers of celebration,
Will add fuel to the fire and aggravate my already grave condition.

Hence Folks, this year there will be no Diwali at my residence,
 As my dejected heart will be more comfortable in the darkness.

Saturday, 21 October 2017


In the light and shadow of hope and desperation,
I rushed towards a probable source of some illumination,
Even though the wiser part of my person,
Was not firmly behind that action.

My zodiac will be in a favorable position next year, said the astrologer,
And I will smoothly sail through my path as per my desire.
I hesitated to ask him about the future of my devotion.
But he on his own pronounced that it will be in a healthy condition.

The lines of fate on my palm are opening up, said the palmist,
By the end of this year, they will emerge apparent.
About the lines and bumps of love, I forgot to inquire,
He informed that they are going to be elevated the next year.

I am neither ignorant nor unwise to trust these things
But you know, desperate man does all things,
Irrespective of authenticity and reliability of the prediction,
It was great that my mental conditions got a positive direction.

सुमन की चाहत

सदा मुस्कुराता, तितलिओं से बातें करता, 
हवा में लहराता, हूँ मैं एक सुमन।  
धूप से झुलसता, बारिश  से ठिठुरता, 
प्रकृति माँ का मानवता को अनमोल बरदान। 

छोटी सी काया है, जरासा  जीवन है, 
उससे भी छोटी है मेरी चाहत।  
सीमित इस अवधि में, नगण्य इस अवसर में, 
करना है मुझे कोई काम महत। 

चाह है कि  मेरी  खूबसूरती से आल्हादित रहे, 
परेशान मानव का  उदास मन,
मेरी  खुशबू से सदा सराबोर रहे, 
चारों दिशाओं की धरती गगन।  

तुम समझदार हो  बुद्धिमान हो, 
तुम बिद्वान हो, हे  इंसान।   
बिनती है तुम से इस तुच्छ सुमन की, 
रखना है तुम्हे मेरी  चाहत का ध्यान।  

तोड़ न देना मुझे कभी डाली से, 
न देना मेरे जीवन सफर को आधे में तुम बिराम।  
जब तक रहूं मैं धरती पर ,
करता रहूं अपने मन के सारे इप्सित काम।     

दिवाली 1

सजादो ओ  जगवालों  चाहे जितना दिया मेरे चारों ओर,
कर नहीं पाओगे मेरे मन पर छाया गम का घना अँधेरा दूर।

तुम चाहते हो कि  मैं भी थोड़ा उजालें  से नहालूँ,
गम के  अँधेरे से निकल कर कुछ देर मुस्कुरालूँ।

आज  थोड़ी देर मैं मुस्कुरा भी लूंगा तो  फिर कल क्या होगा,
कल  फिर से मुझे अंधेरे की पनाह में  तो जाना ही होगा,

इन नन्हे प्रदीपों से तुम मेरे मन को रोशन करने की चाह रखते हो,
बड़े नादाँ हो तुम, जुगनुओं से जग उजियारा करने का आग्रह करते हो।

है एक चांद जो कर सकता था  मेरे  अँधेरे  को दूर,
ढल चुका  है वह,  भूल चुका  है राह मेरे आसमान की ओर।

पूर्णमासी फिर नहीं आएगी कभी मेरे जीवन में,
अमावस तय कर चुकी  है कि  करेगी राज अब  मेरे आंगन में।

Friday, 20 October 2017


न जलेगा अब की बार मेरे आँगन  दीया,
अंधेरे का  आदी हूं मैं, उजाला में मेरा काम है क्या ?

तुम  भी जगवालों  दिलजले को दीया जलाकर न जलाओ,
चुभती है रोशनी यह आग कहीं और ले जाओ। 

बीते दिवाली को मेरे सीने में लगी थी जो ठंडी आग,
जल रहा है तब से ये जल कर दिल  हो चुका है राख। 

राख को आग लगा कर तुम्हे क्या हासिल होगा?
मेरी चुभन,  मेरी  जलन और भी बढ जाएगी । 

अपनी  खुशी के खातिर तुम किसी और को न जलाओ, 
जलन का दर्द होता क्या है ये मुझ से पूछ जाओ। 

Thursday, 19 October 2017


Day one, day two, day three and so on,
For so many days, we didn't have any communication.

Your voice, your words didn't reach my vein,
I too failed to convey my sweet emotions.

But don't think that is the beginning of an end,
Of our relationship so deep, so sacred.

Ours is like light and shadow, day and night,
Two different entities but one solid unit.

It’s no fun the bond of two lovelorn cores,
That God had intertwined in the heaven forever.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Suddenly one day you landed in my life as a visitor,
Holding a rose in your hand and a smile on your kisser,
Decorated the courtyard of my heart with the graffiti of pleasure,
Roused a sweet emotion in it with your charming gesture.

The poor heart that was dormant for years,
Began to vibrate faster with your enticing whisper,
As an innocent man becomes zombie of a sorcerer,
I began to dance with your mesmerizing glimmer.

My sky became shaded with your colors,
The atmosphere of my yard gets drenched with your flavor,
The deserted barren land became a beautiful garden,
The guest of my heart became a ruler of my fortune.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


If you are determined to leave me, then go,
You came as a friend; do not go like foe,
You came to me smiling,
Do not leave crying
You lived with your head elevated,
Do not leave your face dropped.

 Just inform me when you wish to depart,
When you want to devastate my heart.

Do not trust me, if you can’t,
But you can trust my intent,
I was your pal yesterday;
I can  not be your enemy any day,
I always care your emotions,
I will respect that today too despite my dejection.

On your decision to depart,
I will beg you to stay, cry a bit
But I will see you off up to your door,
With that much respect, that much care as earlier.

Because my love for you is purer than diamond,
Truthful like sunshine, more radiant than gold,
More soothing than moonbeams and deeper than ocean,
It will never go low with the changed situation.

It will reach your yard as earlier,
Without disturbing you or blocking you desires.

Monday, 16 October 2017


अचानक एक दिन आप अजनबी बन कर मेरे जीवन में आये,
चेहरे पर मुस्कान, हाथों में गुलाब ले आये। 
मेरे मन के आंगन को खुशियों की रंगोली से सजा दिए,
अपने मनमोहक अंदाज से दिल में एक अनजान अरमान जगा दिये। 

दिल बेचारा बर्षो से तन्हा था,
करता भी तो क्या करता,
हुजूर की नज़रों के तीर से अपनी नाज़ुक धड़कनो को,
चीर जाने से बचाव करता भी तो कैसे करता। 

हिफाजत की सारे प्रयास जाया हो गया,
जो कुछ था अपना पराया हो गया,
मुझसे एक खूबसूरत गुनाह हो गया,
मेहमान पर यह दिल फिदा हो गया,
कल तक था वीरान बंजर अब गुलिस्तां हो गया,
मेजवान का दिल ना जाने कब  मेहमान का मेहमान हो गया। 

मेरा प्यार

जाने का मन बना लिए हो तो जाओ,
दोस्त बनकर आए थे, दुश्मन  बनकर तो ना जाओ। 
मुस्कुरा कर आए थे, दुखी हो कर तो न जाइए,
सर उठाकर आए थे,. मुँह छुपा कर न जाइए। 
कह दीजिए हम से जब जाना हो,
जब हमें गम में डूबो देना हो। 

चाहो तो यकीन करो या न करो आप हम पर,
हमारी नियत पर आप कर सकते हो ऐतबार। 
हम कल भी दोस्त थे आज भी दोस्त है,
दिल से कल भी मस्त थे आज भी मस्त है। 
थोडा रोएँगे, थोडा गिड गिडाएँगे, जरा मिन्नतें करेंगे;
मगर आप को आपके घर तक छोड़कर आएंगे। 
क्यों की हीरे से खरा, सूरज से सच्चा, चांदनी से सुंदर,
सागर से गहरा, कंचन से सुनहरा है मेरा प्यार। 


A lot of monsters and vampires are there in my mind,
Waylaying all of them every moment on my godhead.

There are many challengers like malice, greed, and temptation,
Lie, vanity, selfishness, anger all block my path of salvation.

When I deactivate one with the sword of your meditation,
One more raises its head to obstruct my devotion.

Let your wisdom wipe out the darkness of my core,
And the adversaries lose their grip over my character.

Sooner is the better, Oh God, let the divinity dominate me,
Let my deeds be pure and pious before I close my eyes.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

ओस की बून्द

तेरी खूबसूरत सफेद पंखुडिओं को सराबोर करता,
तेरी दिलकश सुगंध को अविरत आत्मसात करता,
अपनी शीतल छुअन से तुझे आह्लदित करता,
मैं एक ओस की बून्द हूँ तेरी सतह पर चमकता, चहकता। 

तुम चाहो तो इसे प्रकृति की एक शानदार  प्रसंग कहो,
या फिर यह ईश्वर की एक पवित्रतम,अप्रतिम  इच्छा हो,
मेरे लिए यह एक वरदान से कम नहीं है,
कि मुझे तुम्हारा महान साहचर्य मिल रहा है। 

हो सकता है की दीर्घायु न हो हमारी सहयात्रा,
हवा या समय अंत कर दें हमारी संलिप्तता,
मैं वादा करता हूँ कि जब तक मौजूद है मेरा आखिरी कण,
मैं रखूँगा आपकी महत्ता ओ खूबसूरती का ध्यान। 

Saturday, 14 October 2017


On your majestic white petals,
I am a dewdrop spread all over inseparable.
To absorb your fragrance in my core,
Augment your beauty with my texture.

Call it a splendid occurrence of the nature,
Or a divine wish of the creator,
For me it is no less than a boon,
To get your kind association.

Our union may or may not have a longevity,
The wind or time may wipe out my entity,
I swear, until my last particle exist,
I will care your glamour with all my intent.

ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ, ଲୋ ସଙ୍ଗିନୀ ଆଜି ପରା ରଥ ଯାତ  ବଡ ଦାଣ୍ଡ ଆଜି ଦିବ୍ୟ ବୈକୁଣ୍ଠ ଲୋ  ରଥେ ବିଜେ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ।  ଏ ଲୀଳାକୁ ଦ...